Expectations and Results

Because each vein requires specific attention, varicose vein disease and spider vein treatment can be a process, and to some extent an art. Though there is no out-of-the-box cure for unwanted vein conditions, the right balance of symptomatic treatment done in conjunction with lifestyle changes can give most patients results that are medically sound and aesthetically satisfying.

People get superficial venous reflux disease for a number of reasons such as genetic predisposition, standing for long periods of time, lack of exercise, pregnancy and other health-related issues. We make every effort to frame your treatment around your medical needs and provide you with a plan that can help mitigate future effects of superficial vein disease. Your expectations are important — concerns like treatment duration and success are dependent on a number of factors, and can be discussed during your initial consult with Dr. Forman.

When performed for medical reasons, varicose vein treatment is covered by many insurance companies. The treatment of spider veins, usually done for cosmetic reasons, is not generally covered by insurance. You will want to check with your insurance company to determine which treatment options are covered under your plan.

When you make an appointment to see us, we can help you check the extent of your insurance coverage in advance of your visit.

Before-and-After Photos...